HCP Resources
Explore our catalog of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) resources, which will be updated regularly based on the latest evidence and HCP insights.
Download these helpful resources for more information about EPI
EPI in Primary Care
Explore expert opinions on
the practical diagnosis and
management of EPI.
EPI in Pancreatic Cancer
Learn about EPI in one of the leading
causes of cancer-related deaths in
the United States.
Consider the Pancreas
Gastrointestinal upset? Nutritional
deficiencies? Find out if it’s caused
by the pancreas.
Test your knowledge of EPI
Join us for an interactive, fun, self-paced JEOPARDY!® game to learn more about EPI!
Want to have an in-person hosted game at your office or
Contact your MSL and schedule a day to play!